19 NW 8 ST, OCALA, FL 34475
I/We understand that Mid State Notifier Inc has been retained to perform clerical and document services, related to building construction and other real property improvements, from information I/we provide to you. I/We understand and agree that errors and omissions in the preparation, service and recording of these construction related documents may result in loss of any lien rights and adverse damages, against me/us available under Florida law. As an accommodation to me/us, we direct Mid State Notifier Inc to prepare the requested forms or documents and use reasonable efforts to accomplish service and recording, where may be necessary. However I/we realize that because of time limitations under Florida law, the involvement of third parties not within your control (namely the US Postal Service) or otherwise, service or recording of the forms or documents may not be timely verified or accomplished. I/We also realize that I/we may perform the service of recording of any forms or documents on my/our own, by mail, fax and personal delivery or other permissible methods, if desired.
Accordingly, in consideration of the economical services you provide and other good and valuable considerations, I/we hereby waive any claim against Mid State Notifier Inc that I/we now have or may have in the future arising out the preparation, execution, service or recording of any forms or documents related to building construction or other real property improvement, including but not limited to your failure to determine or include proper parties or legal descriptions or service or recording of necessary documents. I further agree to hold you harmless and to indemnify you for any damages incurred, including attorney’s fees, as a result thereof, from the date of receipt by you of this form until said authority is terminated in writing.
This form will authorize, empower, direct and request that you, as my/our agent, shall execute in my/our stead any and all Notices and Claims pursuant to Chapters 713 and 255 of the Florida Statutes from the date of receipt by you of this form until said authority is terminated in writing.
I/We shall furnish to you a written or oral request containing the necessary information to properly complete said Notices, Claims or other documents, as soon as practicable after ascertaining the date of the first delivery of materials, labor and/or services for each job which I/we request that you send said Notices or Claims.
Due to the high volume of storage, we will maintain and store records in our warehouse for a period of 2 years. If you have any need for the Notice to Owners, Proof of Service or Claim of Liens, it is your responsibility to notify us and obtain these records to avoid being destroyed.